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Your Counselors

At every high-school there are counselors that help students. They build students time tables, answer questions about universities and pathways, and can provide mental health assistance. They are key figures in students lives, and so we’ve compiled a list of ways to optimize their use:

  1. Go to who you’re comfortable with. The first note about counselors at is students are able to meet whoever they are most comfortable with. While students are assigned to a specific counselor who takes care of their schedule, this doesn’t prevent them from meeting with other ones.

  2. Make a 3 year plan. At the beginning of Grade 10 it can be beneficial for students to go meet with their counselor and make an outline for the courses that they’re planning to take over the next 3 years. This helps students as they’re able to make sure they have all the classes they need to graduate and to proceed into university. This plan can always be changed, but it can be helpful for looking towards the future.

  3. Work with them to build a reasonable schedule. Schedule development is automated for the most part, this means that students can be left with a timetable that is too demanding in one semester or another. Examples of this are schedules where students have the majority of their main courses in one semester, or all of their sciences clumped together. Counselors have some power to work with students in moving classes around so that they’re better able to succeed. They can also help students in dropping classes or last minute registration into classes that aren’t full.

  4. Get mental health assistance. Counselors have access to mental health professionals, such as the school psychologist, as well as personal training in how to help students. This means that they can provide help, or refer to help, for students that are struggling with their mental health.

  5. Get your questions about alternative paths and university answered. Some students will choose to complete high-school classes over summer school, or programs offered outside of the classroom. Counselors are able to provide information to students about these programs that expand past what’s on their websites. They can help with registration, and give insight into the quality of the program that the student is looking into. Counselors are also able to provide students with information on universities that may be difficult to find in individual research. They have information on what to expect in the registration process, and what classes students need to take. This information can act as a great benefit to students that are looking to eventually make the transition from high school to university.

  6. Ask your counselor about scholarships and opportunities. Many counselors have information about scholarships that are open to high school students, or some volunteer or job positions. If you are wondering about what scholarships are going to be available for you in any given year of high school or even university, or if you are looking for potential resources to help you get some bonus extracurricular experience, your counselor is a good place to start! Even if they do not have any direct resources, they can usually point you in the right direction to help you get a better grasp at how to approach a certain problem.

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