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Debate Club

Each high-school has a variety of clubs available to students. Some schools have a debate club in which students are able to go learn aspects of the competitive high-school debate, as well as a variety of other skills depending on the school. Here are some of the benefits of joining the debate club at your school.

  1. Key life skills such as public speaking and argumentation. Debate has students giving speeches on a variety of issues in which they build an argument on a topic given to them, as well engage with the ideas of arguments presented by an opposing team. This gives students experience in speaking in front of others and presenting their ideas. This also helps them to learn how to speak confidently and organize their ideas, as well as develop their ideas and look critically at the ideas of others. Students also learn to think on the spot as they have to react to the ideas of those that they’re competing against. These are skills that will help students in presentations in their classes, as well as just general public speaking. Most debate clubs will have those who are familiar with these skills, whether it be teachers or seasoned debaters, who are able to help students grow.

  2. Improves Social Studies skills. Learning to debate can help students in looking critically at the surrounding world, whether it come in the form of historical events or public day policy. This ability to look at these events and ideas critically is key when working to be successful in Social Studies. As the subject uses these skills when have students write a position paper, an essay in which students engage with the ideas of a source that presents ideas on the topics they’ve learned in class.

  3. Community. Debate has a strong community of individuals that are passionate about the activity. The community is built of students from all around the city who get to know each other through competition. Debate can help students to get to know others in their school and around the city, creating strong friendships.

  4. Teamwork. Debates are conducting in groups of two or three depending on the style. This means that students have to work with others in order to build a strong case. This can aid in taking away some of the stress that comes with the creation of ideas as well as teaching students how to work in a group to create a strong product.

  5. Healthy competition. Debate involves students competing against other teams where they are judged on a variety of aspects in their speeches. As students improve they may be able to be competing at the city, provincial or even national level. Those who have grown to be especially strong have been given the opportunity to compete on an international level. Debate provides an environment where students are able to engage in this healthy kind of competition.

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